A book that I have read and reread is The Sacred Romance by John Eldredge and Brent Curtis. This book talks about Arrows. Arrows are anything that has pierced your heart or your soul and from which it has been difficult or impossible to recover. The authors say that the result is
"a shift deep in our soul ...
an approach to life that becomes our personality ...
our shape ... our convictions ...
the Arrows taint and direct our spiritual life."
If you feel that something is missing in your life, your heart, your soul, there is some wisdom in this book: performance isn't everything, we must regain an image of our original shimmering self, we must draw closer to the heart of God.
We cannot heal our own hurts. I believe that we are created to be in relationship with each other and with God. I have seen women's souls healed through contact with other women who are also in the process of healing. And through contact with a God that wants nothing more than to heal our hurts tenderly.
Cry your eyes out. Cry out with your voice. He will hear you.