Monday, June 2, 2008

A Weaned Child: a Comment from Cathi

I read Psalm 62 this am...and as I read it my heart was comforted and cheered on. All through life we come up against enemies ... worry, fear, depression, pride, anger, discouragement.It's so easy for these thoughts and feelings to topple us. The answer for all this is to wait on Him...sit at His feet. Psalm 131 verse 2 I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who NO LONGER CRIES for its mother's milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.Sometimes when my thoughts and feelings are racing and I am on the verge of tears...I have to stop myself...take a deep breath and just be still. I talk to myself saying things like God is in control ... He loves me...He will take care of everything that concerns me. I want to get to a place where I no longer cry out of panic for my needs to be met. I want to be able to calmly walk along side my Father knowing He is on top of my needs already.Every part of me .... soul body mind...ALL placing my expectations in Christ. He is the only ONE who can truly meet our emotional, physical and spiritual needs. Turning to Him with all we are puts us in a place of safety. As a child we find a good hiding place and tell no one...because we are safe there ... and we win the game!!! But in this hiding place, His presence, let's tell they can go to a place where all their worries and fears can not find them.God has given us people to help us along the way.... I am very grateful for that...but it really comes down to one source HIM! He is our Creator....sit back and think about all the beautiful and amazing things He has made. I like to walk outside looking at the sky, trees or just feel the cool calms me. I reflect that He made awesome ... so I know He is sooo in tune to my heart...nothing goes unnoticed. NOTHING. So sit at His feet everything else can really wait...sit at His feet on Him get to that place where nothing can reach you.

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